Mid-Year Projections
Main Campus Departments will use the Budget Planner system to input their FY 25 Current Unrestricted Year-End financial projections.
Main Campus Departments will use the Budget Planner system to input their FY 25 Current Unrestricted Year-End financial projections.
Summer research forms must be submitted to the Dean’s office for signature prior to submitting the ePAF.
For details, see email from Victoria Polaco sent 3/21/24 at 1:45 pm.
The A&S department deadline for entry is Thursday, January 18th at 5pm. If your unit completes this early, notify asfinance@unm.edu.
Per Vicotria Polaco:
When you have completed your unit's CAR, please submit a signed copy of the Dept Policy Summary Memo to asfinance@unm.edu
The A&S Department Deadline is Tuesday, April 11th at 5pm. For details, refer to this 3.15.23 email from Victoria Polaco.
When your unit has completed the CAR, please have this department policy summary memo signed by your Chair or Director and email to Victoria Polaco
If you have any questions please reach out to Victoria, Eva, or Monica.
The A&S Department Deadline is Friday, April 8th. The College Fiscal Officer plans to lock all departments at 5:00 pm.
We are projecting revenue and expenses for all unrestricted indices for the period of January-June 2022. The system automatically doubles revenue and expenses posted as of December 31, so please make sure to adjust accordingly, especially the revenue/allocations.