Categorization of Reserves
See email from Mark Maddaleni, with 3 PDF attachmetns, sent Monday, 8/12.
See email from Mark Maddaleni, with 3 PDF attachmetns, sent Monday, 8/12.
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: TECH building (#64), Room 180
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: TECH building (#64), Room 180
CHROME RIVER Final PCard transactions with a transaction date through 6/30/19 (FY19) must be submitted and approved by Departments by 7/10/19.
Please refrain from combining FY19 and FY20 transactions in the same expense report. FY20 transactions are on or after July 1st.
CHROME RIVER Expense Reports and Invoices for FY19 must be submitted by 6/30. Everything submitted after 6/30 will post to FY20.
Please attempt to have your department salary planners ready to go by April 5th.
The FY19 budget revision deadline is Friday, March 22, 2019 at 5:00 pm. This is the final day to submit journal voucher requests to revise index budgets using the BD4 and BDT rule class codes. Your JV must be approved by departments and reach the OPBA queue by this deadline. Budget revisions for FY19 received after this deadline will NOT be processed. After March 22, 2019, only actual allocation and transfer entries (JE2s and JETs) that have been previously budgeted will be approved.
Revised due to MLK Jr. Holiday on Jan. 21
The CAR overview presentation and demo is now located on the Learning Central website: