We are projecting revenue and expenses for all unrestricted indices for the period of January-June 2022. The system automatically doubles revenue and expenses posted as of December 31, so please make sure to adjust accordingly, especially the revenue/allocations.
Please do not project a deficit unless there is already a deficit reduction plan on file. There is useful information that may be found on the Budget Office website: http://budgetoffice.unm.edu/projections-and-mid-year-review/index.html .
If your unit has questions or needs assistance with this process please reach out to one of us on the A&S Finance Team.
- Monica Vlad, mvlad@unm.edu 277-1324
- Eva Sanchez, evasanchez@unm.edu 277-0188
- Victoria Polaco, vpolaco@unm.edu 277-7377