Performance Evaluation Process (PEP)
How to check the status of PEP completions
- Add the “Department Performance Administrator” BAR role, and enter a “Supervisor- Override.” This will route to Rob Armijo, allowing him to assure HR that the PEP access is appropriate for the individual requesting he role.
- Once the BAR role has been added, you will be able to go to UNMJobs’ “Standard Reports” area and run the Performance Review Step Status Report to monitor the completion rate AND/OR run the Bulk Performance Reviews to access copies of the Performance Evaluations for all your Unit’s Staff.
Adding a "co-planner" to PEP
More than one (1) Co-Planner may be added to an employee’s PEP.
If Co-Planners wish to add comments, they should open the PEP, add their comments, then save and exit the PEP. Co-Planners can add as many comments as they like, but only one person can select each rating, and only one person can sign and submit the PEP.
If a Co-Planner changes a rating that the Manager or another Co-Planner has already selected, it will “over-write” the previous rating.
If your area wishes to include the comments of a second Manager on a Staff’s Performance Evaluation—and does not want those comments to be added directly to the PEP—an email may be sent the second Manager requesting feedback. Once received, the Primary Manager may incorporate all or some of the comments into the Staff’s final PEP.
How to Reopen a Previous Review Step AND Adding a Co-Planner job aid