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PTI Funding Requests for fall 2019

Per Associate Dean Diane Marshall:

  1. Please be conservative in your PTI requests, as budget and enrollment projections have not yet been revealed.
  2. It is easier to add or open sections if we need them than to close sections that already have students enrolled. Please do not schedule excess sections.
  3. Do not put anything in the UNMWest (HSC westside campus) or the MOP Core Inventory columns unless specifically asked to do so.
  4. Make your requests for Full Term, 1H, 2H and Late Starting (i.e., Intersession) classes now.
  5. Your request is due on March 25, 2019.  Email these directly to Diane Marshall and cc Brisha Cruz-Garcia.
Deadline Date: 
Mon 25 March, 2019 - 04:30pm
Deadline Type: