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PTI Budget Requests for Spring 20201

Per Diane Marshall:

  1. Please be conservative in your PTI requests. The college is working to absorb a nearly $10 million budget cut. We need your help.
  2. Check your Spring 2020 enrollments. We might need a few more lower division seats than last Spring, but we are likely to need fewer upper division seats.
  3. It is easier to add or open sections if we need them than to close sections that already have students enrolled. Please do not schedule excess sections.
  4. We no longer teach classes at UNM West.
  5. Do not put anything in the MOP Core Inventory column unless specifically asked to do so by Brisha or me.
  6. Make your requests for Full Term, 1H, and 2H classes now. We cannot promise any funding for 2H classes at this time. There is no Spring Intersession.
  7. Your request is due on September 25, 2020.
Deadline Date: 
Fri 25 September, 2020 - 05:00pm
Deadline Type: