Mark Maddaleni will lock out all departments before April 13. Per his email:
- The Dean’s office staff will prepare most department salary planners. Once complete, the appropriate individual will contact your department to go over your salary planner in detail. If you know of SAC changes/sabbaticals/LWOP’s etc. Please feel free to begin sending me those at any time.
- Departments with Accountant II’s or higher will be expected to prepare their own salary planners. Please attempt to have your department salary planners ready to go by April 6th if possible. Salaries are our primary expense and present the greatest challenge to balancing the budget.
- Please remember that when removing, adding, or modifying a SAC, salary planner does not feed those changes to the system of record. The OFAS SAC change form will still have to be processed prior to the start of the new Academic Year.
- Position budgets:
- Faculty- same as previous years. Faculty hires beginning in Fall 18 will not be included in salary planner. These positions will be funded via 1660 from the Dean’s office once the encumbrance has been verified in August.
- Staff- same as last year. The concept of position “savings” is gone. Position budgets will match the job record. Vacant staff positions will have their position budgets set to $0. Much like we have handled faculty; vacant staff positions funded via I&G will be returned once positions have been approved through the Hiring Moratorium Waiver Request (HMWR) process.
i. Zeroing out vacant staff budgets applies to ALL unrestricted positions subject to the HMWR process. The HMWR process encompasses all positions paid by an index on the 2U fund level (I&G/IDC/Endowed/Non-endowed/etc.). Positions present on IDC/Endowed/Non-endowed indices can easily be budgeted via BD4 during the year.
c. What about the 2% raise from the State?
i. The salary increase we have seen mentioned in the news is not certain until approved by the Regents at the March 22nd budget summit. IF an across the board salary increase is approved; that % will be applied to the FY18 base prior to any other increases from retention, promotions, etc. that are effective for FY19.
- Funding from the Dean’s Office (non-base budget):
- F&A estimate/Start Up funding/Retention offers/Other allocations/transfers; Victoria will enter the budget for both the Debit/Credit side of the transaction as well as the associated notes. A spreadsheet of these amounts will then be emailed to your department for review/feedback.
- Budgeted use of balances code 1901 should be avoided entirely unless necessary to cover a salary distribution. 1901 budget entries will require a comment explaining the use of reserves as well as the anticipated ending balance. (IE: 1901 is necessary for _______. Budgeted balance of XYZ is within projected ending reserve of ABC). If a 1901 is budgeted with no comment, it will be removed during the budget review process. In the case of a 1901, the index historical activity will be scrutinized to help determine the necessity of your entry. The additional scrutiny is related to the continued focus on properly budgeting use of reserves.
- Transfers and allocations must tie out. Each transfer/allocation entry must have a note on both the debit and credit side. Please indicate the index, account code, short description and dollar amount (IE: Fr 123456-1660 to 526987-1660 Hulk Hogan’s retention; $10,000). Any transfer/allocation that cannot be tied out via the proper notes will be deleted during the budget review process.
- The Dean’s office will balance your 1668 main allocation. Please do not make your own adjustments to this account code.
Deadline Date:
Fri 13 April, 2018 - 04:45pm
Deadline Type: